Tandem parachute jump
in Slovak language: tandemovy zoskok
height 4000 meters, free fall 55 seconds, gift vouchers
Most experienced instructors
- each of our instructors has been
- tandem jumping
- more than 2000 times
Airport in Slavnica
- ideal for tandem jumps
- directly at the airport is a restaurant, a guesthouse,
- air museum, playground
Airplane Pilatus
- airborne special
- will fly to a jump height of 4km in 15 minutes
- capacity of 10 skydivers
Tandem parachute system
- SIGMA, Icarus Tandem, CYPRES 2,
- absolute world top
- safety without compromise
- aerotandem at aerotandem dot sk
Details and order
Company Contact
Karpatské námestie 10, 831 06 Bratislava
ID: 47 535 687, Tax ID: 2024041250
+421 944 588 492